AI Superpowers for home design
Elevate your projects, win more contracts, and streamline your design process in seconds with our cutting-edge platform.
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Interior Redesigning
Transform spaces effortlessly! Harness the power of AI to generate stunning interior redesigns in seconds. Elevate your projects with precision and style. Your vision, redefined.
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Exterior Redesigning
Reimagine exteriors with ease! Utilize AI to swiftly generate exterior redesigns in seconds. From curb appeal to architectural brilliance, let your designs speak volumes. Unlock a new realm of possibilities.
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Render Sketches
Bring ideas to life instantly! With AI at your fingertips, render sketches in seconds. Capture the essence of your vision with impeccable detail. Sketch, refine, and impress effortlessly.
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Generate Ideas from text
Turn words into reality! AI empowers you to generate interior redesigns from text in mere seconds. Describe your vision, and watch it come to life visually. Creativity unleashed, ideas transformed.
Revisualize your space in 100+ styles and options
Explore a diverse range of architectural styles, from the enduring elegance of Neoclassical to the contemporary sleekness of Modernist. Our carefully curated selection presents a myriad of options for you to discover and choose from.
Upscale and export your designs in high resolution
Elevate your designs with high-resolution precision. Upscale and export your creations to showcase every detail in crystal-clear clarity.
Generate stunning designs from text
Turn words into reality! AI empowers you to generate interior redesigns from text in mere seconds. Describe your vision, and watch it come to life visually. Creativity unleashed, ideas transformed.
Multiple use cases, win more clients
Our AI-powered platform adapts to diverse scenarios, helping you win more clients effortlessly. Explore limitless possibilities and elevate your design game with AiHomeRenders.
See what's possible
Find inspiration from buildings built by creative architects and home lovers all across the globe using AIHomeRender.
Choose the plan that best fits your style
Transparent, flexible pricing to help your home reach its fullest potential.
AIHomeRender Free
10 Inspiring Designs Monthly
Explore Standard AI Capabilities
Design Finesse with Quality Renders
Choose from 10 Architecture Styles
Explore 12 Simple Interior Styles
Experiment with 8 Building Types
Illuminate Designs with 3 Lighting Styles
Download and Cherish in Standard Quality
24/7 Support - Assistance When You Need It
AIHomeRender Pro
Unlimited Monthly Designs - An Endless Canvas
Harness the Power of Our Latest AI Model
Upscale Your Designs to 4K Resolution
Immerse Yourself in Higher Quality Renders
Choose from 40+ Architecture Styles
Explore 24+ Interior Styles
Select from 20+ Building Types
Choose from 7+ Lighting Styles
Download & Export in High Quality
24/7 Support - Your Creative Companion Is Always Here
No Watermark - Your Designs, Pure and Unblemished
AIHomeRender Pro Yearly
Unlimited Monthly Designs - An Endless Canvas
Harness the Power of Our Latest AI Model
Upscale Your Designs to 4K Resolution
Immerse Yourself in Higher Quality Renders
Choose from 40+ Architecture Styles
Explore 24+ Interior Styles
Select from 20+ Building Types
Choose from 7+ Lighting Styles
Download & Export in High Quality
24/7 Support - Your Creative Companion Is Always Here
No Watermark - Your Designs, Pure and Unblemished
Your questions, answered
A better way to design your home, you ready?